Tapping With Ashton Kutcher

Is Ashton Kutcher Doing EFT Tapping?

Was Ashton Kutcher tapping? It sure looked like he was during his Teen Choice Awards acceptance speech! Actually, he was sharing how being smart makes him sexy… and the speech just reeked to me of tapping. Here’s an audio you can tap along with to be smart and sexy and thoughtful and generous…

Hi from Gwenn,

I Ashton Tapping Did you see this?

I thought I saw Ashton Kutcher tapping while he delivered his “How To Be Sexy In The Smartest Way Ever” speech!

If you haven’t heard it yet, it was a fantastic speech and it totally changed my view of Ashton.

Although the speech was aimed at teens, I think we can all benefit from his inspirational talk.

His inspiring words just reeked to me of a tapping script. So I created a “Sexy and Smart and Thoughtful and Generous” tapping script and recorded it to audio…

Tapping with Ashton Kutcher by Gwenn Bonnell

To listen to the audio – and tap along – simply click on the above link.

To download the MP3, right-click on the above link and save the file to your computer.

Tap along and enjoy feeling inspired to create a smarter and sexier life!

Love & light,

Gwenn Bonnell


PS Especially if you think your job is a pain, or you have a teen that thinks working is a pain, you’ve gotta listen to Ashton’s Teen Choice Awards Acceptance Speech

PPS Here’s the Smart-n-Sexy tapping script: 
(If you want to download a printable EFT chart, check out the Shortcut Tapping Chart at www.tapintoheaven.com/charts

EFT Shortcut Tapping Points Chart

Karate Chop (KC): Even though I sometimes feel like a fraud, My name is ______, and I deeply and completely accept myself.

 Eye Brow (EB): Even though I’ve sometimes felt that life is a struggle

 Side of the Eye (SE): I choose to believe that opportunity is always available

Under Eye (UE): Even if it seems like hard work

Under Nose (UN): I choose to be fully present with every opportunity

 Chin (CH): Knowing that every experience is a stepping stone to my next experience

Collarbone (CB): Absorbing the wisdom from each experience

Under Arm (UA): Letting go of what belongs in the past,

Top of the Head/Crown (CR): And moving forward easily and gracefully to my next opportunity.

EB: And even though I might not always feel sexy

SE: It sometimes seems like a lot of work

UE: I choose to consider that the sexiest thing in the entire world

UN: Is being really smart

CH: And being thoughtful

CB: And being generous

UA: Everything else is crap designed to make me feel like less

CR: And I’m not gonna buy into it

EB: And even though growing up

SE: I got told that the world is the way that it is

UE: And I’m suppose to live inside other people’s picture of the world

UN: And not to get too much trouble

CH: And maybe get an education and get a job

CB: To make some money and have a family

UA: My life can be a lot broader than that

CR: Once I realize one simple thing

EB: That is that everything around me called life

SE: Was made up by people just the same as me

UE: And I can build my own thing

UN: I can create my own life

CH: And other people can live in it

CB: So I choose to create a life

UA: Instead of just living one

CR: I’m excited to build a life I love

Third Eye: By creating my opportunities

CB: And always being sexy and smart and thoughtful and generous!

Thymus (Center of Chest): I love my life!

* * * * * * * * *

Please share this with your loved ones… and comment about what this inspires you to do today, right now, to create a more loving, thoughtful, smarter and sexier you!

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